A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

Face-to-Face and Online Sessions are available! Call us at (972) 562-5002 to schedule an appointment.

When thinking of what presenting concerns show up in the room, many individuals overlook the frequency of how often chronic pain is uncovered. Even speaking from personal experience, I had this idea growing up that pain was a topic that should be addressed by going my PCP and there was probably some sort of medication I’d get that can help get me back to 100%. It wasn’t until I returned to school when I learned about the connection between mind and body in regards to somatic issues. When addressing chronic pain with individuals, I’ve found that (1) Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and (2) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are two modalities that yielded positive results. Below are brief explanations of what each can bring to a therapeutic environment:


Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Approach that encourages a shift of focus from reducing or eliminating pain to fully engaging in their lives, changing how they relate with their internal experience and ultimately living a better life.


Goal of ACT is to become actively involved in what they care about and what matters most in an individual’s life, despite having and experiencing pain.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Approach that encourages engagement in an active coping process to change maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that oftentimes maintain and even exacerbate chronic pain.


Pain management goals within CBT include: reducing the impact of pain in one's daily life, learning skills for better coping with pain, improving physical and emotional functioning and reducing reliance on pain medication.


If you suffer from chronic pain and would like to learn more about pain management, please don’t hesitate to either call at (972) 562-5002, Ext. 5, or email at [Please enable JavaScript to view this email address]. Thank you for reading and take care!