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Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being

Welcome to our Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being column, provided by the Bridging Harts Psychotherapy team. We offer our thoughts and viewpoints on life, family, therapy, and more.

The goal of our column is to be a helpful resource for all. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know by emailing [Please enable JavaScript to view this email address].

Thanks for reading!
– The Bridging Harts Therapy Team

When thinking of what presenting concerns show up in the room, many individuals overlook the frequency of how often chronic pain is uncovered. Even speaking from personal experience, I had this idea growing up that pain was a topic that should be addressed by going my PCP and there was probably...

 Halloween is a time where the weather starts to turn chilly, leaves start to change colors, costumes are being planned or made, and some of the best movies are on rotation. Halloween is a time where creativity and the abnormal shine. A holiday so unique and fun, and I believe there is a lot we...

The first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week(MIAW). Although it’s important to have a week to raise awareness, fight discrimination and provide support for mental health conditions, I view this as an opportunity to create an open dialogue the whole year-round. When I think of MIAW,...

Anchor Versus Anxiety When looking around for therapy groups for young adults, I was sad to see there were little that are offered. As the pandemic wax and wanes, and every day feels a though the world is offering up challenge after challenger, it is no wonder anxiety diagnosis are at a high....

Yes! As an introvert, going out with friends or family during the week isn’t typically my go-to when I have spare time to unwind. I would much rather stay in for some light reading, revisit my favorite TV shows and movies or play a game. One thing that I really noticed about myself during the...

Communicating with a Partner that is Anxious  Anxiety can take over one’s mind and make even the most irrational beliefs feel like a real possibility. And though this can seem odd, it is not strange at all. According to the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), over 40 million adults in the...

Last month on July 16th, 988 was launched for people in need of mental health support through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Callers can still use the current number of 1-800-273-8255 as the shortened version of 988 is meant to be more accessible and easier to remember for people...

If you are like me, your drives to work or walks in the evening are spent with a podcast. Though I am one who loves true crime, sometimes I need to focus on myself a little more. Below is a list of my favorite mental health podcast that I recommend!   -The Mental Illness Happy Hour with Paul...