A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being

Welcome to our Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being column, provided by the Bridging Harts Psychotherapy team. We offer our thoughts and viewpoints on life, family, therapy, and more.

The goal of our column is to be a helpful resource for all. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know by emailing [Please enable JavaScript to view this email address].

Thanks for reading!
– The Bridging Harts Therapy Team

Hello readers! My name is Robby and I’m the newest LPC Associate of the Bridging Harts team. The path that brought me to Bridging Harts has been a bit of an unconventional one. I graduated from the University of Arkansas in 2010 where I earned my Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology. Even though I...

Happy Pride!! June is a beautiful month full of a lot of rainbows and people sharing that love is love. However, it is not unknown that many of the LGBTQ+ community have struggle and do not always have resources readily available. This month I am wanting to focus on sharing more resources and...

This past month has had a lot of conversation of domestic violence, mental health, personality disorders, much more due to the Depp vs. Heard trial. Though I am not going to give my opinion or professional advice about the trial, I would like to focus on one aspect that I have seen happen and I...

Have you ever felt a feeling in your body without being able to place what the feeling is? Our bodies give us a lot of information about what we are feeling and being able to match this feeling with an emotion word can be helpful for processing or simply feeling the feeling until it passes. Using...

I am a strong believer that each and every one of us needs at least one physical coping skill to help us in times of stress, overwhelm, or when we’re feeling tension.    Exercise is a physical coping skill that can be extremely helpful for lowering our stress level, but what about when we either...

April is Counselor Awareness Month. My blog post almost always focus on client needs, recommendations, and other fun mental health topics, however, this month I want to change it up and give counselors the awareness we do not always feel. To become a licensed professional counselor one must...

7 Tips for Mental Health Spring Cleaning Let go of something holding onto you. Releasing something that is binding you to the past can allow for freedom and a new beginning. Clean! Pick one thing to tidy up in your everyday life. It will give you a sense of control and...

Spring Cleaning: Social Media Edition   Spring is the time of growth, renewal, refreshing, and new beginnings.  The concept of spring cleaning is something widely known and talked about. This usually looks like paying attention to things we don’t normally pay attention to or doing those once or...