A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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If you are like me, your drives to work or walks in the evening are spent with a podcast. Though I am one who loves true crime, sometimes I need to focus on myself a little more. Below is a list of my favorite mental health podcast that I recommend!


-The Mental Illness Happy Hour with Paul Gilmartin

            “…is a weekly online podcast that interviews comedians, artists, friends, and the occasional doctor. Each episode explores mental illness, trauma, addiction, and negative thinking.”




-Terrible, Thank for Asking with Noah McInerny

            “Because it’s not always that fine, is it?”




-Therapy for Black Girls with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford

            -Dr. Joy Harden Bradford started this podcast for black women, who often face incredible stigma, seek the care they deserve.

            - https://therapyforblackgirls.com/podcast/



-Dear Therapist with Lori Gottlieb and Guy Winch

            -“Sit in on real sessions with real people..” Lori and Guy allow you to be a fly on the wall and see what therapy can be like for all different people.

            - https://lorigottlieb.com/podcast/



-Where Should We Begin with Esther Perel

            -A highly respected couples’ therapist who is often recognized for her work with sex therapy. Esther creates a space for couples to share their concerns and move one step closer to peace. (If you have read any of my former blogs, you were probably expecting this)

            - https://www.estherperel.com/podcast



Podcasts are a great passive way to move through time and allowing that time to be turned into something useful can be life changing. If you have questions, or even want more recommendations, please reach out and let’s chat more!