A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being

Welcome to our Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being column, provided by the Bridging Harts Psychotherapy team. We offer our thoughts and viewpoints on life, family, therapy, and more.

The goal of our column is to be a helpful resource for all. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know by emailing [Please enable JavaScript to view this email address].

Thanks for reading!
– The Bridging Harts Therapy Team

Many of us spend time on social media doing a variety of things like catching up with friends, pop culture, sports, music, tv shows, and various other interests (or if you're anything like me, following lots of pages with cute dogs!). My favorite way to make sure I am also sprinkling in some good...

As I was scrolling through social media today, my feed was filled with a range of different post. Some posts were celebratory, some sad, same mad, some silly, and some full of knowledge. It was easy for me to get sucked in and scroll for an hour, and then I thought, “how did this help me?”. While...

Self-care is a phrase we all hear very often these days. You may hear it at work, or with your friends. You may see people posting about it on social media, or it may even be a part of your New Year’s Resolutions! But what is self-care? Well, that depends. Media often depicts self-care as bubble...

Stress is a common experience for all of us.  Stress can actually be helpful to us to some extent. Our stress response can keep us safe in dangerous situations, for example, when we need to swerve in the car to avoid an accident or when we have a test coming up that we need to study for. Our...

With New Year’s right around the corner, many people are discussing different life changes or resolutions they are hoping to take place. However, when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, many people feel overwhelmed, or have given up completely on setting goals for the upcoming year. Why is that?...

Let's have a quick chat about why boundaries are so important, especially during the Holiday season.  Boundaries are an essential part of self-care and can even impact our overall well being. Without boundaries, we can end up feeling taken advantage of, taken for granted, overworked, and...

Does Daylight Savings have you in a funk? Does it have you going to bed at 8:30pm and waking up at 5am? Just me? This time of year is filled with so much to look forward to, and so much to do. But sometimes, this season also reminds us of loss, things we thought we’d have by now but don’t, and...

  We hear a lot that “most problems could be solved with healthy communication”. While I believe that is pretty accurate (maybe I’ll do a blog post about Curiosity vs. Assumption), I think there’s another element of conversation we need to talk about. Control. Striving to “be right”, to prove...