A Sacred Place for Personal & Professional Growth

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Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being

Welcome to our Holistic Approach to Wellness and Well-being column, provided by the Bridging Harts Psychotherapy team. We offer our thoughts and viewpoints on life, family, therapy, and more.

The goal of our column is to be a helpful resource for all. If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know by emailing [Please enable JavaScript to view this email address].

Thanks for reading!
– The Bridging Harts Therapy Team

Nearly two years ago I decided to become certified in Imago Relationship Therapy. The investment of time and money made sense - Eric is my second husband and this is his third marriage. Statistically doomed, we needed something that worked and discovered Imago therapy before we married 15 years...

Animals as Healers and Teachers As an only child growing up on a large ranch in Ardmore, Oklahoma, I surrounded myself with animals. You name it, I probably had it at one point—dogs, cats, a ferret, pigs, hermit crabs, birds, a miniature burro, hamsters, frogs, lizards, snakes, turtles, and...

We are the Bridging Harts Psychotherapy team. We will offer our thoughts and viewpoints on life, family, therapy etc... We have much to offer so if there is a topic you would like to hear more about please let us know. You can email us at [Please enable JavaScript to view this email...