When You're Called to Mentor Others
- Written by Bridging Harts Staff
Even during a pandemic, some of you are still in a managerial or supervisory role. Helping to coach and manage others can be tricky in the best of times, let alone during COVID-19. Here are a few quick tips for those of us who lead others!
- Move with Confidence—we are facing unprecedented times, and as such, we’re more likely than not to struggle with knowing what the right thing to do is. But remember—you have the power to inspire leadership in yourself and others. If you act like you know what you’re doing, your colleagues will see you as the authority you are.
- Give it Away…for FREE!—time is money and money is time, right? We are all struggling to pay bills and staff afloat…including your team members. Not every interaction is about a paycheck, and showing your team that you care for them regardless of a paycheck can go miles. Of course, it’s important to remember your own personal boundaries, but also remember your role as a servant leader.
- Be Mindful—I would be remise if I didn’t mention mindfulness! Meditation, yoga, counseling… all of these are great techniques and skills to build to become more aware of internal processes that dictate or influence our decision-making skills and interpersonal relationships. Mindfulness can help you move in clarity and enhance decisiveness and give you direction in your leadership.
And above all, remember to honor this season of life. Not only are you in the middle of a pandemic, but the people you mentor are, as well. Be the kind of boss you always wished for!
If you would like your own career coaching session with me, please contact me with the email below.
And remember…
You got this.