It's Not the Stork!: A "birds and bees" book for young children and their families
- Written by Bridging Harts Staff
It’s Not the Stork!: A Book about Girls, Boys, Babies, Bodies, Families and Friends
– A Book Review
By Melissa Christiansen, MA, LPC Intern
Supervised by Katrena Hart, MS, LPC Supervisor
"It's Not the Stork!" is a helpful guide for discussing the birds and the bees with your child. Little kids are insatiable in their curiosity, and no topic seems more entertaining than body questions: who is a girl, who is a boy, how babies are born, and what body parts do what? We want kids to get these answers from us, their loving caregivers, so that they are armed with reassuring, accurate information when faced with any scary playground debates. “It’s Not the Stork!,” by author Robie H. Harris and illustrator Michael Emberley, is a simple, comprehensive resource for parents and caregivers of preschool and elementary aged kids. The book is informative in an honest, gentle and age-appropriate manner that celebrates diversity among friends and families.
Adults may feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable with discussions of sexuality, gender, love, birth and the mystery of life. “It’s Not the Stork!” offers a clear, respectful guide for sharing this information to children as young as 4 years old. The text and illustrations are lively and informative with an endearing sense of humor. Caregivers can use this information to engage kids in conversations about consent, privacy, health and personal safety.
In a time when kids may easily access explicit or inaccurate information about sex, birth and bodies, it’s never too early to begin appropriate conversations. “It’s Not the Stork!” gives kids and their families a comfortable space for discussing these amazing and perfectly normal questions.